Friday, October 21, 2011

Long Division...and more!

Homeschool has been going much better since my last blog!  Thank goodness.  Maybe its this wonderful fall weather we are having that is getting him motivated but who knows. 

Yup, Long division, that is what we have been doing this week in Arithmetic, Today we worked on remainders!  Did i do division in 3rd grade?  I sure don't remember but, he is doing really well with it.

Language arts is going well.  We are using McRuffy secular as our curriculum for L.A. and I love it!  This week we are working on synonyms, antonyms, prepositions, fact and opinion!  He also took a L.A. test for what we have gone over since the begining and got a 98!  Good Job Ryan!  He has to read a chapter everyday and answer questions and he is doing really well.  Mad Libs are still an almost daily occurance in our house.  They are still fun and he doesn't yet realize that it is educational.

Let's see, science took care of itself this week with the birth of the piglets.  Ryan got to see 8 of the 10 be born so, there was a lot explaining going on there!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I don't even know where to begin..

So much has happened since the last time I blogged.  This will teach me to not wait so long.  I will try to get everything in so I may ramble a bit.  Fall is here and I love the weather!  I have snapped of few pics around the farm and wanted to share them.

I think this is my favorite picture of the farm so far!

We planted 8 apples trees so in 4-5 years we should get some apples!  I hate waiting that long.  Right now we have 1 tree and I am happy to say I canned some applesauce.  It was my first canning experience ever and it wasn't that bad.  I am getting excited and hope to can some salsa later.  I have tons of tomatoes that I froze from the garden so salsa here I come. I have to be careful because I can't make it too hot!

So I started out with all these apples.  I thought I was going to have applesauce coming out of my ears!

But, this was all they made!

I decided I wanted a flower bed against the house and wanted to fill it with bulbs so Sunday, that is what I worked on.  I hope they all bloom in the spring.  I also plan to plant a rose bush under each window.
I raked out all the weeds and put down the landscape fabric.  Now you can see the finished product!
I put in Hyacinth, Tulips and Daffodils.  Planning on some lillies also.

After working on the flower bed  I couldn't wait for a nice relaxing evening!  However, it didn't go as planned.  When Ryan and I tried to bring Big Mama in to eat for the evening, she didn't want to come inside and just wanted to lay in the nest she made in the pasture.  OMG  I thought, it's time or at least pretty close to time.  We finally coaxed her inside and she ate.  We came inside and I planned to go out every hour or two to check on her.  After my shower I went out to check and there were 2 piglets in the pen!!!!  I called Ryan and he came right out.  Did i mention Mark was out of town!  Big Mama did well, she actually had 10 piglets but the last one was stillborn.  We have 3 girls and 6 boys.  Ryan and I spent the night in the barn to make sure everyone made it through the night!  Mark came home the next day.  We still have all 9 piglets, they still seem to be doing well!
They are all so cute but, piglets don't like to be held! 

This is how Ryan and I slept Sunday night.  Well, should I say how Ryan slept, I didn't get much sleep!

That is all for now.  I will continue to update on our piglets!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby it's cold outside!

So this morning it was 38 degrees when I woke up and went out to feed the animals.  And to add to the cold, there is a light rain.  It's suppose to reach a high of 47 today and continue to rain.  Ugh!

Mark left yesterday for Richmond to fly, they needed a pilot and Mark is the go to guy.  He will be back late Monday night, yea!  I hate when he is gone.  It's kinda weird because I was used to him being in and out when he was in the Navy but now, its different.  So,  now it's weird when he leaves because he is always here.  I miss him, can't wait til he gets back. 

Ryan has a football game today in Alderson.  It's not going to be pleasant, cold and rainy ugh!  Let's hope Ryan gets some good tackles!  Football in Summers County is just awful this year, we are a winning team but there are issues.  I think I blogged before that I would explain why football is sucking  this year but not today.  But I promise I will.